Manager's Message

Manager's Message

Dear Parents and Students,
The year 2020 dawned upon us with the devastating news of the outbreak of the deadly Corona Virus (COVID 19). The world came to a standstill. The giant economies of the world collapsed, the lofty plans made by the mighty national and international organizations went awry, leading to their total abandonment. In his utter helplessness, man realized that the amassing of weapons, the exploration of space and sea, the explosion of technologies and innovations are all secondary and the primary concern is to stay alive.

The education system and the schools in particular are hit hard by this pandemic. The students are unable to come to their physical class rooms, meet their teachers in person, they miss the presence of the peer group, play grounds, their dance, drama and other activities fostering their all-round development and growth. And as though that was not enough, the once-interdicted and dreaded mobile-phones have become the most essential gadget for every student today.
But yes, every dark cloud has a silver lining. Humanity has witnessed and braved through noxious calamities in the past too. We are confident and we want to assure you that this too shall pass. Here, I am reminded of the famous lines from the play As You Like It by William Shakespeare, “Sweet are the uses of adversity, Which like the toad, ugly and venomous, Wears yet a precious jewel in his head. ”
Dear parents, the adversity that we face at this juncture must not dishearten us. Just as herbs give out their sweet fragrance when they are crushed, we ought to give our best in these testing times.
We must stand up to this pandemic with grit and determination, for adversities vanish when they are boldly faced. The question is how do we go about doing this? First and foremost, we must carefully follow the guidelines given by the Government agencies and the medical experts. It is important to follow the instructions and stay indoors unless there is a grave necessity, and use a mask every time you go out. Remember, we are all in it together and unless we care for the safety of the other as our own, we can never be victorious in this fight. Not only should we wash our hands at regular intervals, avoid touching the nose and the eyes but also encourage others to do so. Now that the vaccines are available, let us make sure that all of us get the vaccines at our earliest convenience.
Following the guidelines of the Ministry of Education in the State of Uttar Pradesh, St. Dominic's is committed to conduct classes either ONLINE or OFFLINE. Education is an ongoing process and even in this bleak situation all of us have learnt many new things. We have familiarized ourselves with the use of mobile phones and various Online Applications. The Management of St. Dominic's Sr. Secondary School assure you, dear parents, that we shall provide your wards with quality education and enduring moral values. It shall be our endeavour to give them opportunities galore to develop their creative abilities in arts and other co-curricular activities as much as possible in the prevailing situation.
Our children are the future of our Nation and it is our paramount and sacred duty to provide them with the most suitable and relaxed atmosphere for learning and growing. Online Classes are here to stay and therefore, dear parents, while providing your wards with mobile phones, we also urge you to monitor their use by your wards. Unespied and reckless use of the mobile and access to the internet by minors could be detrimental to their mental and psychological growth.
Dear students, you are the true wealth of this nation and St. Dominic's Sr. Secondary School is particularly proud to have you with us. We, your parents and teachers urge you to dream and dream big. Do not simply swallow the knowledge imparted by the teacher, but chew it, comprehend it, ask questions, challenge yourselves and make the knowledge your own. Resolve to make this world a better place to bequeath it to those who come after you!
“Let all that you do be done in love!” 1 Cor.16:14 (Holy Bible),
God Bless You!
Fr. Jacob (Saji) Palamattom

Fr. Jacob (Saji) Palamattom