Aims & Objectives

St.Dominic's Secondary School is a Minority Christian institution enjoying minority rights by Article 30 of the Indian Constitution. The primary aim of this school is to impart to students sound education in keeping with the national aspiration and to make them morally, socially, physically, and mentally fit to became active, useful and worthy citizens of India. We further aim at forming the youth of tomorrow in the values of hard work, honesty and universal brotherhood. Those who come out of the portals of St. Dominic's , should be energetic young men and women holding promise to the society, not given to snobbishness and bloated pride but with an indelible mark of noble character and amiable personality. They should be deeply rooted in Indian culture with global outlook and capable of facing the challenges of modern life. The parents who seek admission of their wards to St. Dominic's should share our view and objectives on eduction.