School Code : UP 60099 5652470286


Principal's Message

Dear Parents,
It is my privilege and good fortune to take over the reins of St. Dominic's Sr. Sec. School from my esteemed predecessor, Rev. Fr. Mathew Thundiyil, under whose guidance, selfless service and sacrifice, this temple of learning has achieved another milestone, par excellence.
As caretakers of the destiny of our nation, parents provide strong roots to their children through their cultural and moral values whereas these budding angels are provided wings to fly by their team of dedicated, persevering and farsighted mentors.

A child's mind is not a vessel to be filled but a lamp to be lit to dispel away the darkness of ignorance and hopelessness and help them to blossom to their fullest. We, at St. Dominic's have dedicated our lives for this very purpose.

St. Dominic's , with the legacy of its great tradition, offer opportunities for students to achieve excellence in academics, cultural, sports and community service, within an inclusive environment, conducive to learning and teaching. School is the horning ground for skills and values as well as right attitude, it is only when teachers, students and parents, work in partnership that a child can grow into an adult who displays sensitivity, integrity, good citizenship and respect for human diversity.

The curriculum has been greatly impacted in its ground by the pandemic COVID-19. It has taught us a big lesson of adaptability. Though the pandemic seemed to paralyse the ongoing education system but turned out to be a blessing in disguise. It helped us to display and re discover the hidden talents. The lockdowns confined us to our homes. The administration thought hard to compromise with the unprecedented situation. The sudden emergence of necessity of virtual classrooms, instant communication on social websites and various online apps became an eye opener.

The physical classroom transited into virtual classrooms. Traditional blackboard teaching-learning process adopted virtually-on screen tutoring. Verbal lecturing has been replaced with audio- visual learning. Teachers, students and parents have been motivated to enhance digital technology. The apprehension during pandemic wave-1 was resolved regarding the curriculum issues with the digital technology. Teachers, students and parents have been updating themselves with the digital world and they have entitled themselves as techno savvy.

Dominicans coped-up with the pandemic situation optimistically in try-hard approach and attitude. The online classes have been channelled and regularised to continue with adaptive academy. We have overcome all obstacles that had been expected in the way of teaching and learning in the path of education in 2019,-2020, 2021 and the years ahead.

God Bless You all !

Fr. Mathew Joseph
